Основной документ Сетевого Кодекса Великобритании — Раздел M (только английская версия)
Источник: ФСТ РФ
Supply point metering
2.7 NOT USED. M-10
3.1 GENERAL M-10
5.1 GENERAL M-28
1.1 Introduction
This Section M contains provisions for the metering of the offtake of gas from the System at Supply Meter Points and the determination pursuant to such metering of the quantities so offtaken.
1.2 Supply Meter Installation
1.2.1 Paragraph 2 sets out requirements in respect of the installation of meters and other equipment at Supply Meter Points.
1.2.2 For the purposes of the Code, in relation to a Supply Meter Point:
(a) the «Supply Meter Installation» is the meter and associated equipment and installations installed or to be installed at a consumer’s premises, including associated pipework, regulator (other than in the case of an NTS Supply Meter Point), filters, valves, seals, housings and mountings;
(b) the «Supply Meter» is the meter comprised in the Supply Meter Installation.
1.2.3 A Supply Meter Installation includes (where installed pursuant to this Section M) any meter by-pass (under paragraph 2.4) and Daily Read Equipment (under paragraph 4) and/or any convertor (where installed pursuant to the Gas (Calculation of Thermal Energy) Regulations 1996).
1.2.4 For the purposes of this Section M «Meter Installation Works» means the installation, testing, maintenance, repair, exchange or replacement of a Supply Meter Installation or any part thereof.
1.2.5 Subject to paragraph 1.7, references in this Section M to the Registered User in the context of a Supply Meter Installation or a Supply Meter are to the Registered User of the Supply Meter Point at which it is installed.
1.3 Daily Read and Non-Daily Read Supply Meters
1.3.1 Subject as provided in Sections G1.5.5 and G1.5.6, a Supply Meter is a «Daily Read» Supply Meter where Daily Read Equipment is installed as a part of the Supply Meter Installation and has become operational in accordance with paragraph 4.1.7.
1.3.2 The circumstances in which a Supply Meter is required to be, or otherwise may be, Daily Read are set out in Section G1.5.
1.3.3 A Supply Meter which is not a Daily Read Supply Meter is a «Non-Daily Read» Supply
1 Paragraph 1 will be amended by Modification MR0672 with effect from 12 July 2004. Please refer to the relevant Notice of Future Implementation.
1.4 Meter Reading
1.4.1 The requirements of the Code for obtaining Meter Readings:
(a) from Non-Daily Read Supply Meters are set out in paragraph 3;
(b) from Daily Read Supply Meters are set out in paragraph 4.
1.4.2 For the purposes of this Section M, in relation to a User a «Relevant» Supply Meter is the Supply Meter at a Supply Meter Point comprised in a Supply Point of which the User is the Registered User.
1.4.3 For the purposes of the Code, in relation to a Supply Meter:
(a) a «Meter Reading» is:
(i) the reading of the index of the Supply Meter, and
(ii) where a convertor is installed as described in paragraph 1.2.3, the converted and the unconverted readings of the convertor;
except that where Daily Read Equipment and such a convertor are installed, a Meter Reading need not include both the reading under paragraph (i) and the unconverted reading under paragraph (ii);
(b) a «Meter Read» is the obtaining (by appropriate means) of a Meter Reading and in the case of a Non-Daily Read Supply Meter the further details required pursuant to paragraph 3.3.1;
(c) an «On-site Meter Read» is a Meter Read undertaken by a person visiting the Supply Point Premises (as opposed to an automated meter read);
(d) a «Customer Read» is a Meter Reading in respect of a Supply Meter obtained by inspection of the Supply Meter by the owner or occupier of the Supply Point Premises (and not by inspection by a Meter Reader or automated meter read);
(e) except in the case of a Meter Reading obtained by Daily Read Equipment, a Meter Reading obtained at any time on a given Day shall be treated as obtained at the start of that Day.
1.4.4 In relation to a Meter Read:
(a) the «Metered Volume» is the volume (converted for temperature and pressure in accordance with the Gas (Calculation of Thermal Energy) Regulations 1996) of gas determined as having been offtaken at the Supply Meter Point during:
(i) in the case of a Non-Daily Read Supply Meter, the Meter Reading Period (as defined in paragraph 3.1.7(e)(ii)); or
(ii) in the case of a Daily Read Supply Meter or a Supply Meter at a DM Supply Meter Point the relevant Day or other period in accordance with paragraph 4;
(b) the «Metered Quantity» is the quantity determined by multiplying the Metered Volume by the applicable calorific value.
1.4.5 A «Meter Reader» is a person appointed to undertake Meter Reads in respect of a Supply Meter.
1.5 Validation
1.5.1 Meter Readings are required (for the purposes of the Code) to be subjected to validation.
1.5.2 For the purposes of this Section M «validation» means the testing, by tolerance checking in accordance with and for the purposes described in the Network Code Validation Rules (as applicable in respect of the relevant Supply Meter and Meter Reading), of the validity of the Meter Reading.
1.5.3 The «Network Code Validation Rules» are the rules and procedures contained in the document dated 1st March 1996 issued by Transco and so entitled, as from time to time amended, after consultation with the Network Code Committee or any relevant Sub-committee, by Transco upon notice of not less than 3 months to Users, unless the Authority shall, upon application by any User made within one month after such notice, give Condition 9(3) Disapproval to Transco’s making any particular such amendment.
1.6 IGE Recommendations
In this Section M «IGE Meter Recommendation» means any recommendation or standard from time to time issued or updated by the Institute of Gas Engineers in respect of the nature, type, design, specification or manufacture of any Supply Meter Installation or part thereof (which do not form a part of the Code).
1.7 Shared Supply Meter Points
1.7.1 All of the Sharing Registered Users shall be responsible jointly for the performance of the obligations and responsibilities of a User under this Section M in respect of a Shared Supply Meter Point.
1.7.2 The amount payable under paragraph 4.1.6 in respect of Daily Read Equipment installed at a Shared Supply Meter Point will be payable in equal parts by the Sharing Registered Users.
1.8 Sub-deduct arrangements
The provisions of this Section M apply in respect of each Sub-deduct Supply Meter Point in accordance with and subject to Section G1.8.
1.9 Ownership of meter reading data
1.9.1 Section V5.8 applies in respect of the ownership of data relating to Meter Readings.
1.9.2 Each User shall secure that its arrangements with any Meter Reader are consistent with Section V5.8.
1.10 Meter error
1.10.1 Where a meter examiner finds (in accordance with paragraph 4(3) of the Gas Code) or Transco or a User believes that a Supply Meter is or has been registering erroneously, without prejudice to Section E1.9.2 the relevant adjustment shall be made:
(a) in the case of a Non-Daily Read Supply Meter, as an adjustment in respect of the Metered Quantity for the purposes of NDM Reconciliation pursuant to Section E6 (and accordingly since the date of the preceding Valid Meter Read);
(b) in the case of a Daily Read Supply Meter, by way of DM Reconciliation on the basis that the adjusted Meter Reading is treated as an Annual Check Read (irrespective of the period since the preceding Annual Check Read) in accordance with paragraph 4.7.
1.10.2 The relevant adjustment is an adjustment in respect of the amount by which it is determined that the Supply Meter has over- or under-registered the volume of gas offtaken from the System at the relevant Supply Meter Point, which amount shall be:
(a) in the case under paragraph 4(3) of the Gas Code, ascertained on the basis described in that paragraph;
(b) except as in paragraph (a):
(i) the amount agreed by Transco and the User, or
(ii) if either Transco or the User shall so require, determined by Expert Determination.
1.10.3 Paragraphs 1.10.1(a) and 1.10.1(b) are without prejudice to the period for which it may be agreed or determined that the Supply Meter has been registering erroneously.
1.10.4 Transco may issue guidance for assisting with the agreement of adjustment amounts under paragraph 1.10.2(b)(i), but any such guidance shall not be binding on any User or Transco.
1.11 Business Day
In this Section M Business Day shall have the same meaning as in Section G1.10.
2.1 Supply Meter and other equipment
2.1.1 The Registered User shall (subject to paragraph 2.2) secure that at each Supply Meter Point (other than a Supply Meter Point which has been Isolated) there is installed, operated and maintained in proper working order, for registering the volume of gas offtaken from the System at the Supply Meter Point, a Supply Meter Installation:
(a) complying with the requirements of paragraph 2.1.2, and located at a point in accordance with paragraph 2.1.3, and
2 Paragraph 2 will be amended by Modification MR0672 with effect from 12 July 2004. Please refer to the relevant Notice of Future Implementation.
(b) including such further equipment (including Daily Read Equipment and any convertor) as may be required in accordance with the further provisions of this Section M.
2.1.2 The Supply Meter Installation shall be of a type and standard of design and accuracy complying with, and shall be installed in compliance with, the IGE Meter Recommendations, the Gas (Meters) Regulations 1983, the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1994 and any other applicable Legal Requirements, as in force at the date of installation of the Supply Meter Installation, and shall be stamped in accordance with Section 17 of the Act.
2.1.3 The point at which the Supply Meter Installation is to be installed shall be such point as shall be required by or shall be in accordance with paragraph 5 of the Gas Code and the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1994.
2.1.4 For the avoidance of doubt, but without prejudice to the requirements of paragraph 2.1.1, the Supply Meter shall be the meter referred to in the Gas Code, and may be provided and owned by a person and/or installed by a person other than the Registered User.
2.1.5 Nothing in this Section M prevents a User from securing that a Supply Meter Installation conforms to higher standards than are (or provides any function in addition to what is) required pursuant to paragraph 2.1.2.
2.1.6 As contemplated by the IGE Meter Recommendations, the design and specification of certain Supply Meter Installations (where required to be installed) will need to be agreed with Transco on a case by case basis.
2.1.7 Supply Meter Installations installed as at the date of the Code shall be deemed (for the purposes of the Code) to comply with the requirements of paragraphs 2.1.2 and 2.1.3, provided that this shall not prejudice any requirement for the installation of a different Supply Meter Installation arising by reason of a change in the nature of or the use of the Consumer’s Plant after the Supply Meter Installation was installed.
2.1.8 Whenever a Supply Meter Installation is replaced or modified (other than by Transco pursuant to paragraph 2.2) the Registered User shall provide to Transco such information concerning the replacement or modification, within such period, as Transco may reasonably prescribe.
2.2 Provision by Transco
2.2.1 This paragraph 2.2 applies where Transco provides or has provided (whether before or after the date of the Code) the Supply Meter Installation or any part of it.
2.2.2 Where this paragraph 2.2 applies, except as Transco may otherwise agree in an Ancillary Agreement with the Registered User:
(a) subject to paragraphs (d) and (e) and to paragraphs 2.2.4 and 2.5.1, Transco will be responsible for securing (on behalf of the Registered User) the provision, the installation (in accordance with paragraph 2.1.2), maintenance, repair, exchange and replacement of the Supply Meter Installation or relevant part of it provided by Transco within a reasonable time after a request to do so and subject to payment of appropriate charges in accordance with the Metering Charges
(b) Not Used.
(c) the Registered User shall secure that there are made available (without charge to Transco) at the Supply Point Premises:
(i) a suitable site (at a location complying with paragraph 2.1.3) at the Supply Point Premises, and suitable support, protection and security, for the Supply Meter Installation;
(ii) supplies of power, water and drainage as appropriate for the Supply Meter Installation;
(iii) such access, at all reasonable times and in any event between 08:00 and 17:00 hours on any Business Day, to the Supply Point Premises as shall be required to enable Transco to carry out all Meter Installation Works required pursuant to paragraph (a);
(d) the Registered User shall take all reasonable steps to secure that the Supply Meter Installation is not damaged or otherwise mistreated;
(e) ownership of the Supply Meter Installation shall remain with Transco (or any person to whom Transco may transfer ownership); and the Registered User shall take all reasonable steps to secure that any notice to that effect affixed thereto by Transco shall not be removed or defaced.
2.2.3 Nothing in paragraph 2.2.2 requires Transco:
(a) to replace any part of a Supply Meter Installation other than where such replacement is necessary as a result of the failure (including by reason of damage, normal wear or tear or defective design or manufacture) thereof;
(b) to carry out any Meter Installation Works other than for the purposes of maintaining or repairing or (where required under paragraph (a)) replacing a Supply Meter Installation or part thereof provided by Transco;
(c) except in the case of routine maintenance, to carry out any Meter Installation Works until reasonable notice has been given to Transco of the requirement for such works.
2.2.4 Meter Installation Works carried out by Transco for the purposes of maintaining, repairing or (where required having regard to paragraph 2.2.3(a)) replacing any part of a Supply Meter Installation to which this paragraph 2.2 applies will not be Siteworks for the purposes of Section G7.
2.2.5 Any Meter Installation Works which any person may request Transco to carry out other than as required under paragraph 2.2.2, including:
(a) the provision of a Supply Meter Installation at a Supply Meter Point where Transco was not previously providing the Supply Meter Installation or at a New Supply Meter Point,
(b) the provision of a new Supply Meter Installation at a Supply Meter Point where
by reason of a change in the nature or extent of the consumer’s requirements for the supply of gas the existing Supply Meter Installation no longer complies with the requirements of paragraphs 2.1.2 and 2.1.3,
will be Siteworks subject to and in accordance with Section G7.
2.2.6 Nothing in this Section M prevents Transco from providing at the request of the consumer or supplier a Supply Meter Installation which conforms to higher standards than are (or provides any function in addition to what is) required pursuant to paragraph 2.1.2, provided that (unless the Registered User has otherwise agreed) the amount of the Customer Charge payable (as described in paragraph 2.2.2(b)) by the Registered User will not thereby be increased.
2.2.7 Where as a result of any failure or defect in any Supply Meter Installation provided by Transco gas cannot be offtaken from the System at the relevant Supply Meter Point, and except where Section J4.4.5(b) applies, Transco will not be in breach (by reason thereof) of its obligation to make gas available for offtake from the System until:
(a) written notice of such failure, defect or requirement has been given to Transco, and
(b) the expiry after such notice of a reasonable period for Transco to carry out the required Meter Installation Works.
2.3 Interference with meters
The Registered User shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that:
(a) no person improperly breaks any seal affixed to any part of the Supply Meter Installation or tampers or otherwise interferes with any Supply Meter Installation;
(b) upon each visit to the Supply Point Premises by any representative of that User or the supplier, or by any person engaged (by that User, the supplier or the consumer) to obtain an On-site Meter Read, there is promptly reported to Transco any evidence which is or ought (having regard to the purposes for which such person is visiting the premises) to be apparent to such representative or person of the breaking of any such seal or of any such tampering or interference (including any activated tamper alarm) or otherwise of theft or attempted theft of gas.
2.4 Meter By-pass
2.4.1 In the circumstances permitted by the Meter By-pass Policy (but not otherwise), a meter by-pass may be installed (as a part of the Supply Meter Installation) at a Supply Meter Point.
2.4.2 A «meter by-pass» is an installation by means of which the consumer may divert the flow of gas, so as not to pass through the Supply Meter, and thereby secure the continued offtake of gas at the Supply Meter Point, in the event of any failure of part of the Supply Meter Installation which would impede the flow of gas through the meter.
2.4.3 A meter by-pass shall not be installed at a Supply Meter Point unless the Registered
User has first given to Transco notice of such installation in accordance with the Meter By-pass Policy.
2.4.4 Where a meter by-pass is installed at a Supply Meter Point:
(a) the Registered User shall secure that the supplier and the consumer are fully informed of the Meter By-pass Policy;
(b) the Registered User shall take all reasonable steps to secure that:
(i) the meter by-pass is utilised only in the circumstances permitted in and in accordance with the procedures required by the Meter By-pass Policy, and that its utilisation is discontinued, and (except where the Supply Meter Installation is provided by Transco, in which case notification to Transco in accordance with paragraph (ii) shall be sufficient) the Supply Meter Installation is repaired or replaced, at the earliest possible time in accordance with such policy;
(ii) upon the utilisation of the meter by-pass the consumer records the time at which it is utilised and the reading of the index of the Supply Meter, and gives notice to Transco and to the Registered User, in accordance with the requirements of the Meter By-pass Policy;
(c) on any Day on which the meter by-pass is utilised, the volume of gas offtaken through the meter by-pass shall be estimated in accordance with the Meter By-pass Policy and such estimated volume will be added to the Metered Volume determined in the next following Meter Read.
2.4.5 For the purposes of the Code, «Meter By-pass Policy» means the policy and rules issued by Transco, as from time to time revised after consultation with the Network Code Committee or any relevant Sub-Committee and after not less than 3 months notice of such revision to Users, for the purposes of this paragraph 2.4; provided that where any Recognised Standard relating to the matters governed by such Policy is adopted or published by any body Transco may notify Users that such Recognised Standard shall be the Meter By-pass Policy in substitution for the policy issued by Transco.
2.4.6 Transco or the Registered User shall take all reasonable steps to comply with the Meter By-pass Policy insofar as such policy provides for anything (in the case of the User, beyond what is provided in paragraph 2.4.4) to be done by either of them.
2.5 Prepayment meters
2.5.1 Where paragraph 2.2 applies and the Supply Meter Installation provided by Transco includes a prepayment installation:
(a) the Registered User will be responsible for making arrangements for payment collection (including emptying or replacement of coin or token boxes or arrangements with any issuer of payment tokens or cards), and for remedying faults resulting from the abuse or defective use of the prepayment installation;
(b) any theft or other loss in respect of monies representing payments made into the prepayment facility will be for the User’s account and Transco will have no responsibility to the User or supplier or consumer therefor.
2.5.2 Where:
(a) a Supply Meter Installation (whether or not provided by Transco in accordance with paragraph 2.2) includes a prepayment installation;
(b) Transco takes any step under paragraph 18 or 19 of the Gas Code in respect of any report to the effect that gas is not flowing to the Supply Point Premises or to appliances at such premises, and
(c) after taking such steps Transco ascertains that the cause of gas not flowing is the inability of the consumer to utilise the prepayment installation, overfilling of a coin or token box, use of defective payment tokens or cards, or any fault in or tampering with a prepayment facility
then paragraph 2.5.3 shall apply.
2.5.3 In the circumstances in paragraph 2.5.2:
(a) Transco shall be entitled (without liability to the Registered User) to take any reasonable steps to ensure the restoration of supply to the consumer through the Supply Meter Installation until the end of the next following Business Day (making such assumption as to the rate of offtake as shall appear reasonable);
(b) the Registered User shall reimburse to Transco the cost and expense incurred by Transco in taking the steps referred to in paragraph 2.5.2(b) and paragraph (a) above (including the value of any coins, tokens or cards utilised for the purpose in paragraph (a)).
2.6 Meter clamping
2.6.1 Where the customer control valve of a Supply Meter is clamped, whether by the Registered User, supplier or any other person other than Transco, the Registered User shall so inform Transco promptly upon arranging for or otherwise becoming aware of such clamping.
2.6.2 Where:
(a) a Supply Meter is clamped in accordance with paragraph 2.6.1;
(b) the Registered User fails to inform Transco of such clamping; and
(c) Transco takes any step under paragraph 18 or 19 of the Gas Code in respect of any report to the effect that gas is not flowing to the Supply Point Premises or to appliances at such premises
the Registered User shall reimburse to Transco the cost and expense incurred by Transco in taking the steps referred to in paragraph (c) above.
2.6.3 For the avoidance of doubt the clamping of a Supply Meter shall not be an Isolation (unless carried out by Transco as such)3.
3 Paragraph 2.6 will be deleted by Modification MR0675 with effect from 12 July 2004. Please refer to the relevant Notice of Implementation.
2.7 Not Used4.
3.1 General
3.1.1 Meter Readings are required to be obtained from Non-Daily Read Supply Meters and provided to Transco for the purposes of:
(a) Individual NDM Reconciliation under Section E6; and
(b) the determination of Annual Quantities under Section H3.
3.1.2 Users are responsible for obtaining Meter Readings from Non-Daily Read Supply Meters in accordance with this paragraph 3 and for the validation (in accordance with paragraph 1.5) of such Meter Readings.
3.1.3 Without prejudice to any other provision of this Section M, a Meter Read in respect of a Non-Daily Read Supply Meter may be undertaken by any Meter Reader.
3.1.4 A Meter Reading obtained from a Non-Daily Read Supply Meter is a «Valid Meter Reading», and the relevant Meter Read a «Valid Meter Read», where the following conditions are satisfied and not otherwise:
(a) except in the case of a Customer Read permitted under paragraph 3.1.6, the Meter Reading was provided by a Meter Reader appointed in accordance with paragraph 3.2.1;
(b) except in the case of an Opening Meter Reading, the Meter Reading has been subject to validation in accordance with paragraph 1.5;
(c) where the Meter Reading was rejected by such validation, the Registered User has taken or secured the taking of such further steps as it determines to be necessary to investigate the validity of the Meter Reading and has thereby confirmed such validity; and
(d) the Meter Reading together with the details required pursuant to 3.3.1 are provided to Transco in accordance with that paragraph;
(e) the details provided pursuant to paragraph 3.3.1 are consistent with the equivalent Meter Information appearing in the Supply Point Register.
3.1.5 In the circumstances in paragraph 3.1.4(c) the Registered User shall when providing the Meter Reading to Transco in accordance with paragraph 3.3.1 notify Transco that the validity of the Meter Reading was not confirmed by validation, and certify that the validity thereof has been confirmed by further steps as required in paragraph 3.1.4(c).
3.1.6 A Customer Read obtained in any calendar month will (subject to the requirements of paragraph 3.1.4) be a Valid Meter Reading .
4 Paragraph 2.7 will be deleted by Modification MR0675 with effect from 12 July 2004. Please refer to the relevant Notice of Implementation.
3.1.7 For the purposes of this Section M:
(a) the «Meter Reading Frequency» in respect of a Non-Daily Read Supply Meter is the expected frequency of Meter Reads for the purposes of the Code;
(b) the Meter Reading Frequency of a Non-Daily Read Supply Meter (a «Monthly Read Meter») is monthly where:
(i) it is installed at a Supply Meter Point comprised in a Supply Point Component whose Annual Quantity is not less than 293,000 kWh (10,000 therms); or
(ii) the Registered User has (in accordance with Section G2.3.2(f)(ii)) so elected;
(c) subject to paragraph (d) the Meter Reading Frequency of a Non-Daily Read Supply Meter other than a Monthly Read Meter (an «Annual Read Meter») is annual;
(d) all Non-Daily Read Supply Meters at the Supply Meter Points comprised in a Supply Point must have the same Meter Reading Frequency;
(e) in relation to a Non-Daily Read Supply Meter:
(i) the «Meter Read Date» is the date of a Valid Meter Read;
(ii) the «Meter Reading Period» in respect of a Meter Read is the period to the Meter Read Date from the preceding Meter Read Date.
3.2 Meter Information5
3.2.1 For the purposes of the Code, “Meter Information” is the information maintained by Transco in the Supply Point Register in relation to a Supply Meter Installation, comprising the details (insofar as Transco has been informed of or otherwise holds such details) set out in the UK Link Manual, including:
(a) the location of the Supply Meter Installation at the Supply Point Premises;
(b) number of dials and serial numbers of the Supply Meter and any convertor;
(c) meter access details, being details intended to facilitate the obtaining by Meter Readers of access to the Supply Meter.
3.2.2 In respect of a Supply Meter Point comprised in a Proposed Supply Point in respect of which the Supply Point Confirmation becomes effective, Transco will provide to the Proposing User the Meter Information on or as soon as reasonably practicable after the 7th Business Day, but not later than the 4th Business Day, before the Proposed Supply Point Registration Date.
3.2.3 After providing Meter Information to a User pursuant to paragraph 3.2.2, Transco will not be required to resubmit such information to the User; and accordingly each User is
5 Paragraph 3.2 will be amended by Modification MR0673 with effect from 12 July 2004. Please refer to the relevant Notice of Future Implementation.
required to maintain (after the Supply Point Registration Date), and keep up to date (having regard to paragraphs 3.2.4 to 3.2.7), such information in relation to each Relevant Supply Meter as is necessary to enable the User to arrange for Meter Readings to be obtained and provided to Transco and otherwise to comply with the Code; provided that Transco will not unreasonably decline to resubmit Meter Information to a User where the User has been unable as a result of exceptional circumstances to comply with the foregoing requirement and is willing to pay the costs reasonably incurred by Transco doing so.
3.2.4 A User may inform Transco of any respect in which the User considers that the Meter Information is incorrect by submitting a notification (“Meter Information Notification”) in accordance with the UK Link Manual specifying what the User believes to be the correct details.
3.2.5 In order to ensure that Meter Information is as accurate as practicable, the Registered User shall:
(a) in accordance with Section G1.9.8 (b), use reasonable endeavours to secure that it becomes aware, insofar as it might reasonably be expected to become aware, of any respect in which Meter Information provided to it by Transco is or becomes incorrect or out of date, including giving appropriate instructions to the Meter Reader for the time being;
(b) submit to Transco a Meter Information Notification as soon as reasonably practicable if, at the time at which Transco provides the Meter Information or at any later time at which the User remains the Registered User, the User becomes aware that the Meter Information is or has become incorrect or out of date.
3.2.6 As soon as reasonably practicable after a Meter Information Notification is submitted, Transco will revise the Meter Information in accordance with such notification, unless Transco is not satisfied that the details contained in the notification are correct, in which case it will so notify the User and Transco and the User shall co-operate with a view to establishing the correct details, and once such details are established Transco will make any required revision of the Meter Information; and a Meter Information Notification shall be ”outstanding” for the purpose of the Code until the Meter Information has been revised pursuant thereto or it has been established that the details in such notification were incorrect.
3.2.7 Without prejudice to paragraph 2.7, if Transco becomes aware that any Meter Information is incorrect, Transco will as soon as reasonably practicable so inform the Registered User and revise the Meter Information accordingly.
3.3 Provision of Meter Readings to Transco
3.3.1 Meter Readings are required to be provided to Transco by way of UK Link Communication by the means and in the form described in the UK Link Manual, and accompanied by the details specified in the UK Link Manual.
3.3.2 Except as otherwise provided in this Section M, Transco will accept Meter Readings provided to it in accordance with paragraph 3.3.1 for the purposes of NDM Reconciliation, provided that Transco will not be required to accept a Meter Reading which is not a Valid Meter Reading.
3.3.3 Each User shall use best endeavours to comply with the requirements in paragraph 3.3.4.
3.3.4 The requirement referred to in paragraph 3.3.3 is that, of the Valid Meter Readings obtained by a User pursuant to paragraphs 3.4 and 3.5 in respect of Relevant Non-daily Read Supply Meters on any particular Day:
(a) not less than 50% are provided (in accordance with paragraphs 3.3.1) by the 5th Business Day after the Meter Read Date;
(b) not less than 100% are provided (in accordance with paragraph 3.3.1) by the 10th Business Day after the Meter Read Date.
3.3.5 Subject to paragraphs 3.3.6 and 3.3.7, Transco will not be required to accept any Meter Readings in respect of which the requirement in paragraph 3.3.4 is not complied with.
3.3.6 Where :
(a) a User submits to Transco any Meter Reading in respect of which the requirement in paragraph 3.3.4 is not complied with, and
(b) it is feasible for Transco to accept such Meter Reading and in Transco’s reasonable opinion the circumstances make it appropriate that it should do so, and
(c) if the number of such Meter Readings submitted on a Day exceeds 1% of the total number of Meter Readings submitted by the User on the Day, the User has first requested Transco to do so
Transco will accept such Meter Reading pursuant to paragraph 3.3.2.
3.3.7 Where in relation to a Supply Meter a Meter Information Notification is outstanding at the Meter Read Date or is submitted not later than the 10th Business Day after the Meter Read Date, paragraph 3.3.5 shall not apply upon the submission or resubmission, following resolution of the Meter Information Notification, of a Meter Reading in respect of such Supply Meter.
3.3.8 Transco will subject Opening Meter Readings submitted to it to validation (which is additional to that required to be undertaken by Users), and may subject any other Meter Reading submitted to it to validation; but Transco will accept Meter Readings notwithstanding that such validation may be failed.
3.3.9 For the purposes of paragraph 3.3.1, where a convertor is installed at a Supply Meter all readings comprised (in accordance with paragraph 1.4.3(a)) in the Meter Reading are required to be provided to Transco.
3.4 Cyclic reading: Monthly Read Meters
3.4.1 Each User shall secure, in relation to Monthly Read Meters, that a Valid Meter Reading is obtained:
(a) for each Relevant Monthly Read Meter, not less frequently than once every 4 calendar months;
(b) in each calendar month, in accordance with paragraph 3.4.2, for not less than 90% of the number of Monthly Read Meters which are Relevant Supply Meters for the whole of the month).
3.4.2 For the purposes of paragraph 3.4.1(b) the Meter Read Date in respect of a Monthly Read Meter is required to be not less than 23 Days (or in the month of December 16 Days) and not more than 37 Days (or in the month of January 44 Days) after the Meter Read Date of the preceding Meter Read under paragraph 3.4.1.
3.5 Cyclic reading: Annual Read Meters
3.5.1 Each User shall secure, in relation to Annual Read Meters, that a Valid Meter Reading is obtained:
(a) for each Relevant Annual Read Meter, not less frequently than once every 24 months, subject to paragraph 3.5.4;
(b) in any period of 12 months, for not less than the relevant percentage of the number of Relevant Annual Read Meters at the end of such period.
3.5.2 For the purposes of paragraph 3.5.1(b) the relevant percentage is:
(a) where the Annual Quantity of the Supply Point in which the relevant Supply Meter Point is comprised does not exceed 73,200 kWh (2,500 therms), 70%;
(b) except as provided in paragraph (a), 90%.
3.5.3 Not used.
3.5.4 In respect of a New Supply Meter Point the Meter Read Date of the first Meter Read obtained pursuant to paragraph 3.5.1(a) shall be not less than 1 nor more than 12 months after the First Supply Point Registration Date.
3.6 Failure to obtain readings
3.6.1 Subject to paragraphs 3.6.4 and 3.6.5, where at the end of any calendar month a User has failed to comply with the requirement in paragraph 3.4.1(a) or 3.5.1(a) in respect of a Monthly Read Meter or (as the case may be) Annual Read Meter:
(a) Transco will, unless in the case of a Monthly Read Meter it appears to Transco (in its sole discretion) that the circumstances are such that it would be inappropriate to do so, use reasonable endeavours to obtain a Meter Reading from such Meter;
(b) the user shall, irrespective of whether the User remains the Registered User of the relevant Meter, pay (in accordance with Section S) to Transco the amount shown as payable in such circumstances in the prevailing Transportation Statement.
3.6.2 Transco will not initiate a Meter Read pursuant to paragraph 3.6.1 for a Meter Read Date earlier than the 10th Business Day of the calender month (the ”following month”) following the month of the failure referred to in that paragraph.
3.6.3 Where Transco has initiated a Meter Read pursuant to paragraph 3.6.1(a), and (before such Meter Read takes place) the User subsequently provides a Valid Meter Reading in respect of the relevant Supply Meter, Transco will endeavour to cancel the Meter Read, but the User will be liable to make payment pursuant to paragraph 3.6.1(b) irrespective of whether such Meter Read is so cancelled.
3.6.4 Where not less than 10 Business Days before the beginning of the following month the User has submitted a Meter Information Notification in respect of the relevant Supply Meter, paragraph 3.6.1 shall not apply until the expiry of a period of 10 Business Days after the Meter Information Notification ceases to be outstanding.
3.6.5 If:
(a) before Transco has initiated a Meter Read pursuant to paragraph 3.6.1, the User notifies Transco (by Conventional Notice) that the User is taking steps to obtain a Meter Reading in respect of the relevant Supply Meter, specifying the expected date of the Meter Read;
(b) not later than the 10th Business Day of the following month the User provides to Transco a copy of a warrant (granted under the Rights of Entry (Gas and Electricity Boards) Act 1954, as amended) authorising entry to the relevant premises, or a copy of an application for such a warrant, or demonstrates to Transco’s reasonable satisfaction that a Meter Reading can be obtained without such a warrant; and
(c) a Valid Meter Reading is provided to Transco in respect of the relevant Supply Meter not later than the 20th Business Day after the start of the following month
then paragraph 3.6.1 shall not apply.
3.6.6 Where Transco obtains a Meter Reading under paragraph 3.6.1, such Meter Reading shall be treated for all purposes of the Code as a Meter Reading obtained in accordance with the requirements of this Section M.
3.6.7 Where a User materially or persistently fails to comply with the requirement in paragraph 3.4.1(b) or 3.5.1(b), Transco may require the User:
(a) to submit to Transco an explanation for the User’s failure to comply together with a proposal to remedy such non-compliance;
(b) to implement the User’s proposal under paragraph (a) as modified after discussion with Transco;
(c) if and for so long as the User fails to comply with paragraphs (a) and (b), to agree to a scheme under which Transco will (at the User’s expense on the same basis as under paragraph 3.6.1(b)) obtain sufficient Meter Readings from time to time each month to remedy the User’s failure to comply with paragraph 3.4.1(b) or 3.5.1(b).
3.7 More frequent readings
3.7.1 Subject to paragraph 3.7.2, a User may secure and provide to Transco Valid Meter
Readings in respect of any Non-Daily Read Supply Meter more frequently than is required by this paragraph 3.
3.7.2 Transco will not be required to accept under paragraph 3.7.1 a Meter Reading (other than one required under paragraph 3.8 or paragraph 3.9) for which:
(a) in the case of a Monthly Read Meter, the Meter Read Date is less than 23 Days (or in December 16 Days),
(b) in the case of an Annual Read Meter, the Meter Read Date is less than 5 months,
after the Meter Read Date of the preceding Meter Reading (excluding any required under paragraph 3.8 or 3.9) for the same Supply Meter.
3.8 Opening Meter Reads
3.8.1 Where a User submits a Supply Point Confirmation which becomes effective for a Proposed Supply Point which includes one or more NDM Supply Meter Points, this paragraph 3.8 applies in respect of the Non-Daily Read Meter installed at each such Supply Meter Point provided that this paragraph 3.8 shall only apply where the Supply Point Confirmation submitted by a User records a change to one or more of the User identity, the supplier identity or the Supply Meter Point configuration6.
3.8.2 The Proposing User shall secure that a Valid Meter Reading (an «Opening Meter Reading») is:
(a) obtained for a Meter Read Date within the required date range, and
(b) provided to Transco not later than 16:00 hours on the 7th Business Day after the Supply Point Registration Date
from each Non-Daily Read Meter referred to in paragraph 3.8.1.
3.8.3 For the purposes of this paragraph 3.8 the required date range is the period of 5 Business Days commencing 2 Business Days before the Supply Point Registration Date7.
3.8.4 Transco will not accept an Opening Meter Reading which is not obtained in accordance with paragraph 3.8.2(a) but may (though shall not be required to) accept a Valid Meter Reading obtained in accordance with paragraph 3.8.2(a) as an Opening Meter Reading if provided to Transco not later than 16:00 hours on the 10th Business Day after the Supply Point Registration Date.
3.8.5 Without prejudice to paragraph 3.8.10, where an Opening Meter Reading is not provided to Transco by the date required under paragraph 3.8.2(b):
(a) a notional Meter Reading will be used for the purposes of Individual NDM Reconciliation in accordance with Section E6.1.6 (and for the purposes of
6 Paragraph 3.8.1 will be amended by Modification MR0663 with an Effective Implementation Date reliant upon system changes associated with CR 12933 planned for Q4 2004.
7 Paragraph 3.8.3 will be amended by Modification MR0602 with effect from (tbc). Please refer to the relevant Notice of Future Implementation.
calculating such notional Meter Reading Transco may utilise any Meter Reading provided by the Proposing User where provided to Transco not later than 16:00 hours on the 10th Business Day after the Supply Point Registration Date),
(b) and Transco will not later than 15 Business Days after the Supply Point Registration Date provide such notional Meter Reading to the Proposing User and the Withdrawing User as an estimated Meter Reading.
3.8.6 The Withdrawing User may (if it has bone fide and material grounds for doing so) notify Transco that it objects to the Opening Meter Reading (or the estimated Meter Reading under paragraph 3.8.5), in which case:
(a) Transco will inform the Withdrawing User of the identity of the Proposing User, but (except as provided in paragraph 3.8.8(b)) will not be further concerned with the objection;
(b) if the Withdrawing User notifies the Proposing User of its objection, the Proposing User agrees to use reasonable endeavours (without thereby being in breach of any provision of the Code) to secure that no other Meter Reading (in respect of the relevant Supply Meter) is provided to Transco until the objection has been resolved between such Users, and Section V1.5.1 shall not apply in respect of this paragraph (b) (but Transco shall not be concerned with this paragraph (b)).
3.8.7 Subject to paragraph 3.8.9, the Proposing User may notify to Transco a revised value of a Meter Reading (an”Agreed Opening Meter Reading”) for a Non-Daily Read Supply Meter which is agreed between the Proposing User and the Withdrawing User as being valid for a date within the required date range and is to replace the Opening Meter Reading (or estimated Meter Reading under paragraph 3.8.5).
3.8.8 Subject to paragraph 3.8.9, where a User notifies to Transco an Agreed Opening Meter Reading under paragraph 3.8.7:
(a) the User shall be deemed thereby to warrant to Transco and to the Withdrawing User that such reading has been agreed by the Withdrawing User (and Section V1.5.1 shall not apply in respect of this paragraph (a));
(b) Transco will accept such reading;
(c) the Individual NDM Reconciliation in relation to the Withdrawing User (determined under Section E6.2 in accordance with the original Opening Meter Reading or estimated Meter Reading under paragraph 3.8.5) will be revised in accordance with Section E6.7.2; and
(d) Transco will notify the Agreed Opening Meter Reading to the Withdrawing User.
3.8.9 A User may not give notice under paragraph 3.8.7, and Transco will not accept (under paragraph 3.8.8(b)) an Agreed Opening Meter Reading which is notified to it, at any time after any other Meter Reading (for a Meter Read Date after the Supply Point Registration Date) has been provided to Transco for the relevant Non-Daily Read Supply Meter.
3.8.10 Where Users submit Supply Point Confirmations in respect of Smaller Supply Points in relation to which the Supply Point Registration Date is on or after 18 February 1998 («SSP qualifying transfers»):
(a) without prejudice to (c) and in respect of each Proposing User, in the event that in any calendar month (or part thereof) less than 90% of Opening Meter Readings for SSP qualifying transfers are provided to Transco in accordance with paragraph 3.8.2(b), the Proposing User shall pay to Transco the charge, if any, set out in the Transportation Statement for the provision of that number of estimated Meter Readings determined in accordance with (c) (where provided by Transco pursuant to paragraph 3.8.5);
(b) for the purposes of (a), no account shall be taken of Proposed Supply Point transfers which relate to Supply Meter Points at which the Supply Meter Installation includes a prepayment installation and in respect of such Supply Meter Points Transco shall not be required to provide an estimated Meter Reading pursuant to paragraph 3.8.5;
(c) the number of estimated Meter Readings in respect of which the Proposing User shall be required to pay the charge under (a) shall be calculated as:
(0.90 * A) — B
where for each Proposing User:
A is the number of SSP qualifying transfers;
B is the number of Opening Meter Reads provided to Transco for SSP qualifying transfers in accordance with paragraph 3.8.2(b).
3.8.11 For the purposes of paragraph 3.8.2, where in respect of the installation of a Supply Meter Installation, Transco receives a notice in accordance with The Gas Meters (Information on Connections and Disconnections) Regulations 1996 which provides a Meter Reading (“Meter Fix Reading”) then (a) where such Meter Fix Reading has been submitted to Transco by a Shipper in accordance with its Shippers Licence and the Registered User is such Shipper, then such Meter Fix Reading shall be treated as the Opening Meter Reading of the Supply Meter Point and any Opening Reading subsequently submitted by such Registered User shall be disregarded, (b) where an Opening Meter Reading (which differs from the Meter Fix Reading) has been submitted to Transco by a Registered User and such Registered User is not the person which provided the Meter Fix Reading to Transco in accordance with the above regulations, then such Opening Meter Reading submitted shall be the Opening Meter Reading.
3.9 Other non-cyclic meter reading requirements
3.9.1 The Registered User shall secure that a Valid Meter Reading is obtained and provided to Transco:
(a) (as required by Section G3.4.4) upon the Isolation of any Supply Meter Point in accordance with Section G3.5;
(b) upon the replacement (whether for examination, inspection, repair, maintenance or exchange or otherwise) of any Supply Meter, in respect of both the replaced
and the replacement meter.
3.9.2 Where (in accordance with Section G3.5) Transco undertakes the Isolation of a Supply Meter Point in a manner which involves Transco having access to the Supply Meter, Transco will be responsible (on behalf of the Registered User) for complying with paragraph 3.9.1(a).
3.9.3 Where (in accordance with paragraph 2.2) Transco undertakes the replacement of a Supply Meter, Transco will be responsible (on behalf of the Registered User) for complying with paragraph 3.9.1(b)8.
3.10 Metered volume and quantity calculation
3.10.1 Upon the provision of a Valid Meter Reading in respect of a Non-Daily Read Supply Meter Transco will calculate the Metered Volume and the Metered Quantity.
3.10.2 Transco will maintain records of Valid Meter Readings provided to it, in such form and for such time (but not in any event exceeding 5 years) as shall be requisite for the purposes of paragraph 3.10.1.
4.1 Daily Read Equipment
4.1.1 Subject to paragraph 4.9, for the purposes of the Code «Daily Read Equipment» is equipment, of a design and standard of manufacture specified (consistently with any Legal Requirement) by Transco for the purposes of this Section, which enables Meter Readings to be obtained by Transco remotely at set intervals.
4.1.2 Daily Read Equipment comprises:
(a) a device for capturing from the Supply Meter, and/or (where installed) a convertor, data which constitutes or permits the derivation of a Meter Reading; and
(b) a telephone line or radio transmitter and/or such other equipment as shall be required for transmitting such data to Transco in accordance with the relevant requirements of the UK Link Manual.
4.1.3 Daily Read Equipment is required to be designed to be capable of enabling Meter Readings to be obtained at intervals of 6 minutes (and greater intervals) and of having the intervals at which Meter Readings are obtained set remotely (by means of the equipment referred to in paragraph 4.1.2(b)).
4.1.4 Daily Read Equipment may (where designed to be capable of such installation) be installed in connection with more than one Supply Meter at a single Supply Point Premises.
8 Paragraph 3.9 will be amended by Modification MR0675 with effect from 12 July 2004. Please refer to the relevant Notice of Implementation.
9 Paragraph 4 will be amended by Modification MR0674 with effect from 12 July 2004. Please refer to the relevant Notice of Future Implementation.
4.1.5 Unless otherwise agreed between Transco and a User, Transco will (in accordance with paragraph 2.2) be responsible for furnishing, installing, making operational and maintaining Daily Read Equipment.
4.1.6 Where Transco furnishes or has furnished Daily Read Equipment, with effect from the date upon which the relevant Supply Meter Point becomes a DM Supply Meter Point, the Registered User shall (unless the cost thereof has been paid pursuant to a Siteworks Contract) pay the appropriate charges in accordance with the Metering Charges Statement.
4.1.7 Daily Read Equipment installed at a Supply Meter Point will be treated as being operational (for the purposes of paragraph 1.3.1) with effect from the later of:
(a) the Day on which Transco notifies the Registered User that the equipment is operational, and
(b) the first Day on which Transco provides to the User a Valid Meter Reading obtained by means of such equipment.
4.1.8 Subject to Section G 1.5.4, where a New Supply Point has been classified in accordance with Section G1.5.13, Transco will, as soon as reasonably practicable, furnish, install, make operational and maintain Daily Read Equipment at the relevant Supply Meter, subject to and in accordance with Section M2, and will inform the Registered User when Daily Read Equipment has been installed and make operational in accordance with paragraph 4.1.7.
4.2 Daily Meter Readings
4.2.1 Where a Supply Meter is Daily Read:
(a) Transco will obtain (and the User authorises Transco to obtain) by means of the Daily Read Equipment (where it is operational) a Meter Reading for the start and for the end of each Day;
(b) Transco may so obtain Meter Readings at other times within the Day.
4.2.2 Transco is responsible for validation of the Meter Readings in accordance with paragraph 1.5.
4.2.3 In respect of a Daily Read Supply Meter:
(a) «Daily Meter Readings» for a Day are Meter Readings obtained by Transco in accordance with paragraph 4.2.1(a) for the start and the end of the Day;
(b) subject to paragraphs (c) and 4.8 «Valid Meter Readings» for a Day are Daily Meter Readings which have been subject to and not rejected by validation in accordance with paragraph 1.5, and are provided to the relevant User in the format and by the means specified in the UK Link Manual;
(c) the Daily Meter Reading for the start of a Day will not be a Valid Meter Reading if it differs from the Valid Meter Reading for the end of the preceding Day.
(d) the User will pay appropriate charges in accordance with the Metering Charges Statement in respect of such Daily Meter Readings obtained by Transco.
4.2.4 In relation to a DM Supply Meter Point so classified in accordance with Section G1.5.13, Transco shall use all reasonable endeavours to obtain Meter Readings by procuring On-Site Meter Reads, for each Day commencing with the Supply Point Registration Date; and the Registered User shall cooperate with Transco in relation thereto.
4.2.5 When the Supply Meter at the DM Supply Meter Point classified in accordance with Section G1.5.13 becomes a Daily Read Supply Meter Transco will obtain Meter Readings in accordance with paragraph 4.2.1.
4.2.6 When Transco cannot obtain Meter Readings under paragraph 4.2.4 for the Supply Point Registration Date or for any of the six consecutive Days thereafter, then for each Day for which Meter Readings are not obtained the Metered Quantity shall be deemed to be the Annual Quantity for the DM Supply Point divided by 365, and the Metered Volume determined (by reference to the relevant calorific value) accordingly, but thereafter paragraph 4.4 shall apply as though a Meter Reading obtained under paragraph 4.2.4 were a Valid Meter Reading obtained from Daily Read Equipment.
4.3 Metered Volume and Metered Quantity calculation
Subject to paragraph 4.4, Transco will calculate for each Daily Read Supply Meter each Day:
(a) the Metered Volume, by reference to the Valid Meter Readings for the Day obtained in accordance with paragraph 4.2.1(a) or by reference to the Meter Readings for the Day obtained in accordance with paragraph 4.2.4.
(b) the Metered Quantity, by reference to the Metered Volume.
4.4 Failure to obtain meter readings
4.4.1 Subject to paragraph 4.8, Valid Meter Readings for a Day obtained from Daily Read Equipment at any time up to and including the Exit Close Out Date will be used for the purposes of paragraph 4.3.
4.4.2 Where for any Day (a «Failed Daily Read Day») Valid Meter Readings for the Day are not obtained by the Exit Close-Out Date:
(a) the Metered Volume for the Failed Daily Read Day shall (irrespective in the case of a Supply Meter Point comprised in an Interruptible Supply Point of whether Interruption was required on the Day or the same Day in the preceding week) be assumed to be the same as the Metered Volume (whether determined under paragraph 4.3.1 or this paragraph 4.4.2) for the same Day in the immediately preceding week;
(b) there will be a subsequent DM Reconciliation in accordance with Section E6.
4.4.3 Where a Day is a Failed Daily Read Day, except in the circumstances in paragraph 4.4.5(a), irrespective of the Metered Quantity derived from the assumed Metered Volume determined under paragraph 4.4.2, the Day shall not be a Ratchet Day (in
accordance with Section B4.7).
4.4.4 After a Failed Daily Read Day, upon the restoration of operation of the Daily Read Equipment (except where paragraph 1.10 applies), Transco will determine:
(a) the volume offtaken on such Day, by reference to a Valid Meter Reading then obtained, in accordance with paragraph 4.4.5;
(b) for the purposes of DM Reconciliation, the amount (the «Failed Daily Read Reconciliation Volume») by which the Metered Volume assumed under paragraph 4.4.2 is greater (in which case such amount shall be positive) or less (in which case such amount shall be negative) than the volume determined under paragraph (a).
4.4.5 For the purposes of paragraph 4.4.4(a):
(a) where:
(i) the reason for the earlier failure to obtain Valid Meter Readings for the Failed Daily Read Day was the failure of that part of the Daily Read Equipment referred to in paragraph 4.1.2(b) and not the part referred to in paragraph 4.1.2(a)), and
(ii) accordingly, Valid Meter Readings are later obtained for the Failed Daily Read Day,
the volume offtaken on the Day shall be the Metered Volume determined on the basis of such Valid Meter Readings;
(b) except as provided in paragraph (a):
(i) the Metered Volume for the period of all of the consecutive Failed Meter Read Days will be determined (on the basis of the Valid Meter Reading obtained for the start of the first such Day and for the end of the last such Day under paragraph 4.3 or paragraph (a) above);
(ii) such Metered Volume will be apportioned between such Days in the proportions of the assumed Metered Volumes under paragraph 4.4.2.
4.5 Provision of Meter Readings to Users
Paragraph 5 shall apply in respect of the provision by Transco to Users of Meter Readings from Daily Read Supply Meters.
4.6 User or consumer access to Daily Read Equipment
4.6.1 Subject to paragraph 4.6.2, where Daily Read Equipment is furnished and installed by Transco in accordance with paragraph 4.1.5, Transco will, upon request by the Registered User and provided it is operationally feasible to do so:
(a) permit an arrangement whereby either the User or the consumer (but not both) shall have access to the Daily Read Equipment for the purposes of obtaining directly readings from the Supply Meter Installation.
(b) make available to the User, readings received from the Daily Read Equipment in respect of each hour of a Day, and provide such readings to the User at four hourly intervals.
4.6.2 In any case where an arrangement is permitted under paragraph 4.6.1(a):
(a) the Registered User shall bear or secure that the consumer bears all costs incurred in connection with such arrangement, and shall secure that such arrangement will not interfere with the Supply Meter Installation or its operation, or with the obtaining of Meter Readings under paragraph 4.2.
(b) such arrangement shall not be taken as implying any contractual relationship between Transco and the consumer.
4.6.3 Data obtained by the Registered User or consumer under paragraph 4.6 shall have no significance for the purposes of the Code.
4.7 DM Check Read
4.7.1 Transco will at intervals of approximately 12 months, or as soon as reasonably practicable following a Supply Meter Point first becoming a Shared Supply Meter Point, and may on other occasions on which it undertakes an inspection, repair or maintenance of the Daily Read Equipment, arrange an On-Site Meter Read (a «DM Check Read») in respect of each Daily Read Supply Meter.
4.7.2 The Registered User shall use best endeavours to secure that Transco is given such access to the Supply Point Premises and the Supply Meter as it reasonably requires to carry out a DM Check Read.
4.7.3 In respect of any DM Check Read the Metered Volume will be determined by reference to the period to the date of such Meter Read from the date of the preceding DM Check Read.
4.7.4 Where upon a DM Check Read the Metered Quantity differs from the sum (the «previous metered quantity») of the Metered Quantities determined in accordance with the foregoing provisions of this paragraph 4 (including paragraph 4.4) for each Day of the period referred to in paragraph 4.7.3 by more than 100,000 kWh (3,413 therms), Transco will determine and notify to the Registered User:
(a) the amount of such difference; and
(b) for each Day in such period, a part (the «DM Check Reconciliation Volume», which shall be positive where the previous metered quantity exceeds the Metered Quantity in respect of the DM Check Read, and otherwise negative) of the amount determined under paragraph (a), in accordance with paragraph 4.7.5.
4.7.5 For the purposes of paragraph 4.7.4(b) the amount determined under paragraph 4.7.4(a) will be apportioned to Days in the relevant period in the same proportions as the Metered Volumes determined for such Days under paragraph 4.2 and 4.4.
4.7.6 DM Reconciliation in respect of the DM Check Reconciliation Volume for each Day will be carried out in accordance with Section E6.3.
4.8 Daily Read Errors
4.8.1 For the purposes of this paragraph 4.8:
(a) there is a «Daily Read Error» in respect of a Daily Read Supply Meter on a Day where, by reason of the Daily Read Equipment not functioning correctly, and not by reason of a failure of any other part of the Supply Meter Installation, the volume of gas which is determined on the basis of the Daily Meter Readings provided by Transco to the User (pursuant to paragraph 4.5) differs from the metered consumption;
(b) «metered consumption» is the volume of gas which was offtaken from the System at the Supply Meter Point on the Day, as registered by the Supply Meter and any convertor (and not what is determined by reference to the Daily Meter Readings obtained by the Daily Read Equipment);
(c) where the Supply Meter Installation includes a convertor, references to volume are to volume as converted for temperature and/or pressure by such convertor;
(d) Daily Read Equipment functions correctly where it functions within a tolerance of accuracy of 1%;
(e) a reference to Daily Read Equipment shall include a reference to the elements of UK Link by which messages sent by Daily Read Equipment located at the Supply Point Premises are processed and submitted as Daily Meter Readings to the Registered User.
4.8.2 In respect of any Day (a «Daily Read Error Day»), other than a Failed Daily Read Day, a User may until the 5th Day after the Day on which Transco provided to the User the Daily Meter Readings in respect of a Relevant Daily Read Supply Meter, give notice («Daily Read Error Notice») to Transco:
(a) to the effect that (notwithstanding validation under paragraph 1.5) the User considers that there was a Daily Read Error on the Day; and
(b) specifying the volume (the «User Volume Estimate») which the User considers to have been the metered consumption on the Day.
4.8.3 Where a User gives a Daily Read Error Notice:
(a) Transco will, as soon as reasonably practicable and wherever possible within 3 Business Days after such notice, ascertain whether the elements of UK Link referred to in paragraph 4.8.1(e) are functioning correctly, and (if they are) visit and (subject to being given sufficient access) inspect the Daily Read Equipment;
(b) upon or as soon as reasonably practicable after its inspection, Transco will provide to the User a notice stating:
(i) whether in Transco’s judgement the Daily Read Equipment is functioning correctly; and
(ii) where in its judgement the Daily Read Equipment is not functioning
correctly, Transco’s estimate (the «Transco Volume Estimate»), in accordance with paragraph 4.8.4 where applicable, and after taking account of the User Volume Estimate, of what was the metered consumption for the Daily Read Error Day, and the basis for its estimate;
(c) notwithstanding the Daily Read Error Notice and Transco’s notice under paragraph (b), except as provided in paragraph 4.8.8 the volume determined by reference to the Daily Meter Readings will be used to determine the User’s UDQO for the purposes of the Code;
(d) subject to paragraph (c), and unless otherwise agreed, Transco’s statement under paragraph (b) will be final and its estimate will apply for the purposes of paragraph 4.8.10 unless the User gives notice («rejection notice») to Transco within 5 Business Days after Transco’s notice that the User does not accept Transco’s judgement under paragraph (b)(i) or its estimate under paragraph (b)(ii).
4.8.4 Where the Daily Read Equipment is found not to be functioning correctly, and it is not apparent when the equipment started to function incorrectly, unless Transco and the User otherwise agree it shall be assumed (for the purposes of estimating the metered consumption for the Daily Read Error Day) that such equipment started to function incorrectly half way through the period from when the equipment was last inspected by Transco (whether pursuant to this paragraph 4.8 or any annual or other maintenance inspection) to the Day of Transco’s inspection under paragraph 4.8.3(a).
4.8.5 The costs and expenses incurred by Transco in carrying out the inspection pursuant to paragraph 4.8.3(a) shall be borne:
(a) if the amount of the User Volume Estimate differs from the volume determined by reference to the Daily Meter Readings by less than 10%, by the User;
(b) except as provided in paragraph (a), and subject to paragraph (c):
(i) where the User did not give a rejection notice:
(1) by the User where in Transco’s judgement the Daily Read Equipment was functioning correctly, and
(2) otherwise by Transco;
(ii) where the User gave rejection notice, by Transco where it was agreed or the expert determined that the Daily Read Equipment was not functioning correctly and that the metered consumption was closer to the User Volume Estimate than to the Transco Volume Estimate, and otherwise by the User;
(c) if upon such inspection Transco found that the Supply Meter (or convertor) itself is reading erroneously, by Transco (except where Transco is not the owner of the Supply Meter).
4.8.6 Where the User gives a rejection notice, then unless Transco and the User agree otherwise:
(a) there shall be referred to Expert Determination the following questions:
(i) whether the Daily Read Equipment was functioning correctly, unless in Transco’s judgement (under paragraph 4.8.3(b)(i)) it was not; and
(ii) unless the expert determines that the Daily Read Equipment was functioning correctly, what is the best available estimate (in accordance with paragraph 4.8.4 where applicable) of the metered consumption;
(b) the costs of the expert shall (notwithstanding any contrary provision of Section T) be borne by the User where:
(i) the expert determines (under paragraph (a)(i)) that the Daily Read Equipment was functioning correctly, or
(ii) the metered consumption determined (under paragraph (a)(ii)) by the expert was closer to the Transco Volume Estimate than to the User Volume Estimate;
and otherwise by Transco.
4.8.7 Where:
(a) a User has submitted a Daily Read Error Notice in respect of a Day;
(b) the User considers that there was a Daily Read Error in respect of any subsequent Day, up to:
(i) the Day of Transco’s inspection under paragraph 4.8.3(a), or
(ii) (where the Daily Read Equipment is found not to be functioning correctly) the Day of its repair or replacement under paragraph 4.8.11,
then unless Transco agrees otherwise the further provisions of this paragraph 4.8 shall not apply in relation to such subsequent Day unless the User gives a Daily Read Error Notice for such Day, but the giving of such notice shall not require a further inspection pursuant to paragraph 4.8.3.
4.8.8 For the purposes of determining the User’s UDQO, where a User submits a Daily Read Error Notice not later than the Exit Close-out Date in relation to the Daily Read Error Day:
(a) if by the Exit Close-out Date:
(i) Transco has undertaken an inspection under paragraph 4.8.3(a), and
(ii) the User has informed Transco that it accepts the Transco Volume Estimate notified by Transco under paragraph 4.8.3(b);
the value of the Metered Quantity derived from the Transco Volume Estimate shall be substituted for the value of the Metered Quantity derived from the original Daily Meter Readings;
(b) Transco may (before the Exit Close-out Date) by agreement with the User substitute, for the value of the Metered Quantity derived from the original Daily Meter Readings, the value derived from the User Volume Estimate or such other value as Transco and the User shall agree.
4.8.9 Transco may also agree with the User to adjust (for the purposes of determining the User’s UDQOs) the Metered Quantity determined for each Day after the first Daily Read Error Day, until the Day referred to in paragraph 4.8.7(b)(i) or (ii), on a basis reflecting an agreed degree of error.
4.8.10 Except in a case where a substituted or adjusted value of the Metered Quantity was (before the Exit Close-out Date) used pursuant to paragraph 4.8.8 or 4.8.9, upon the estimated metered consumption being agreed or established (pursuant to this paragraph 4.8):
(a) Transco will determine (as nearly as may be) the Metered Quantity («Error Revised Quantity») for the Day on the basis of such metered consumption;
(b) revisions and adjustments will be made in accordance with Sections B1.11, E3.5 and F1.4.
4.8.11 Where it is agreed or determined that the Daily Read Equipment is not functioning correctly, Transco will at its expense as soon as is reasonably practicable (but subject to paragraph 5.2.3) repair or replace the Daily Read Equipment.
4.8.12 For the purposes of paragraph 5 (and notwithstanding paragraph 4.2.3), where a User gives a Daily Read Error Notice:
(a) subject to paragraph (b), where:
(i) in Transco’s judgement (in accordance with paragraph 4.8.3(b)) the Daily Read Equipment is not functioning correctly,
(ii) by agreement between Transco and the User pursuant to paragraph 4.8.8(b) a substituted Metered Quantity has been used, or an estimate of metered consumption, other than the metered consumption derived from the original Daily Meter Readings, has been agreed by Transco and the User for the purposes of paragraph 4.8.10,
the Daily Meter Readings provided in respect of the Daily Read Error Day shall not be Valid Meter Readings;
(b) where the Metered Quantity for any of the next 6 Days following the first Daily Read Error Day has (by agreement between Transco and the User pursuant to paragraph 4.8.9) been adjusted, the Daily Meter Readings provided by Transco for such Days shall be deemed for the purposes of paragraphs 5.2.1 and 5.2.2 to be Valid Meter Readings;
(c) where in Transco’s judgement the Daily Read Equipment is functioning correctly and the User gave a rejection notice:
(i) the Daily Meter Readings for the Daily Read Error Day, and (subject to paragraph (ii)) for subsequent Days, shall be Valid Meter Readings (if otherwise valid in accordance with paragraph 4.2.3);
(ii) where the expert determines that the Daily Read Equipment is not functioning correctly, the Daily Meter Readings provided in respect of each Daily Read Error Day, from the Day on which the expert made known his determination to Transco until such time as Transco has repaired or replaced the Daily Read Equipment in accordance with
paragraph 4.8.11, shall not be Valid Meter Readings.
4.9 Telemetry equipment
4.9.1 By agreement between Transco and the Registered User or the consumer, telemetry equipment may be installed at a Supply Meter instead of such equipment as is described in paragraph 4.1.2.
4.9.2 Subject to any conflicting provisions of a Supply Point Network Exit Agreement, a reference to Daily Read Equipment includes telemetry equipment where installed at a Supply Meter, and this paragraph 4 shall apply (so far as capable of applying, and except as may otherwise be agreed by Transco and the Registered User or consumer) in respect of such telemetry equipment; but paragraph 5 shall not apply in respect of a Supply Meter at which telemetry equipment is installed.
5.1 General
5.1.1 For the purposes of this paragraph 5:
(a) Subject to paragraphs 5.1.2, 5.1.3 and 5.2.3, for any User a «Performance Relevant Supply Meter» is:
(i) a Relevant Supply Meter which at the date of the Code was subject to the Daily Read Requirement pursuant to Section G1.5.2(a) or (c) or (where the request referred to in Section G1.5.7 was made before 1st January 1996) Section G1.5.2(b), and
(ii) with effect from the date upon which the Supply Meter Point becomes a DM Supply Meter Point, any other Supply Meter at which for the time being Daily Read Equipment is installed and has become operational (in accordance with paragraph 4.1.7),
in either case until such time (if any) at which the Registered User makes an election pursuant to Section G1.5.5 that the Supply Meter cease to be Daily Read;
(b) in relation to a Performance Relevant Supply Meter, Valid Meter Readings (for the start and end of a Day) shall be counted as one Valid Meter Reading;
(c) where a single item of Daily Read Equipment is installed and has become operational (in accordance with paragraph 4.1.7) in connection with more than one Performance Relevant Supply Meter:
(i) Transco will be treated as providing Valid Meter Readings only where it provides a Valid Meter Reading in respect of each such Supply Meter;
(ii) without prejudice to paragraph (i), for all other purposes of this paragraph 5 all of such Supply Meters collectively shall be counted as a single Performance Relevant Supply Meter, and all of the Valid Meter
10 Paragraph 5 will be amended by Modification MR0674 with effect from 12 July 2004. Please refer to the relevant Notice of Future Implementation.
Readings for a Day in respect thereof shall be counted as a single Valid Meter Reading; and accordingly payments made by reference to a Performance Relevant Supply Meter or the number of such Supply Meters shall be made by reference to an item of Daily Read Equipment or the number of such items;
(d) a Performance Relevant Supply Meter will not be treated as one in relation to which Transco did not provide a Valid Meter Reading where Transco was unable to provide a Valid Meter Reading in respect of such Performance Relevant Supply Meter by reason of Force Majeure.
5.1.2 Where:
(a) a User has given a Daily Read Error Notice, or it appears to Transco that the Daily Read Equipment may not be functioning correctly,
(b) Transco has, upon reasonable notice to the User, sought to arrange or gain access (pursuant to paragraph 2.2.2(c)(iii)) at a reasonable time to the relevant premises for the purposes of inspecting, and/or repairing or replacing, the Daily Read Equipment but has been unable to gain access to the relevant premises or to the Daily Read Equipment, and
(c) Transco has promptly notified the Registered User, providing details of the circumstances in which it was unable to arrange or gain access, and requesting that such access be arranged at a reasonable time,
the relevant Supply Meter(s) shall not be a Performance Relevant Supply Meter until such time as Transco has been given such access as it may reasonably require for the purposes of such inspection, repair or replacement.
5.1.3 Where, upon an inspection (pursuant to a Daily Read Error Notice or otherwise) of Daily Read Equipment, Transco finds that the Reed Switch is not functioning correctly, or is the cause of the Daily Read Equipment not functioning correctly:
(a) Transco shall so notify the Registered User as soon as reasonably practicable after its inspection;
(b) Transco will:
(i) take reasonable steps to arrange for a gas meter examiner to attend (so soon as such a person may be available to attend) at the Supply Point Premises, so as to allow the seal on the Supply Meter lawfully to be broken for the purposes of enabling the Reed Switch to be repaired or replaced, and (upon the attendance of such an examiner and provided that appropriate access to the Supply Meter is provided) repair or replace the Reed Switch; and
(ii) not later than one month after its notification to the User under paragraph (a), unless the Reed Switch has already been repaired or replaced, inform the User of the date by which Transco expects that the Reed Switch will be repaired or replaced, and (where such date is later than one month after such inspection) provide reasonable evidence that despite taking reasonable steps Transco has been unable to arrange for
the attendance of a gas meter examiner or (but without prejudice to paragraph (c)) to secure (having given reasonable prior notice of an appointment to a User) the required access to the Supply Meter before such date;
(iii) thereafter inform the User of any change in such expected date, and provide reasonable evidence that any delay has arisen notwithstanding Transco’s compliance with paragraph (i);
(c) the User shall take reasonable steps to make such arrangements with the consumer as may be required for the purposes of paragraph (b)(i);
(d) with effect from the Day of Transco’s inspection, or if later from the 5th Business Day before Transco’s notification to the User under paragraph (a), and until such time as the Reed Switch has been repaired or replaced, the Supply Meter will not be a Performance Relevant Supply Meter; provided that if Transco does not comply with paragraph (b)(ii) the Supply Meter will, with effect from the expiry of the month referred to in that paragraph, become a Performance Relevant Supply Meter.
5.1.4 For the purposes of paragraph 5.1.3, a «Reed Switch» is a component of, and contained within, a Supply Meter, which enables the functioning of Daily Read Equipment.
5.1.5 For the avoidance of doubt paragraph 5.2 shall apply in respect of all Performance Relevant Supply Meters.
5.2 Provision of Meter Readings
5.2.1 Subject to paragraph 5.3, Transco will provide not less than 97.5% of the required number of Valid Meter Readings to each User, in respect of each month in each case not later than 11:00 hours on the Day following the Day to which the relevant Meter Reading relates; and for the purposes of this paragraph, the required number of Valid Meter Readings in respect of a User in a month is the sum of the numbers of the Performance Relevant Supply Meters of the User on each Day of such month.
5.2.2 Subject to paragraphs 5.2.3 and 5.3, if in respect of any month Transco does not comply with the requirement in paragraph 5.2.1, Transco will pay to the User an amount calculated as:
where for the relevant month:
A is the sum for all Days in the month of the number of the User’s Performance Relevant Supply Meters;
B is the sum for all Days in the month of the number of Valid Meter Readings in respect of the User’s Performance Relevant Supply Meters which Transco provided by 11:00 hours on the following Day.
5.2.3 In respect of each Performance Relevant Supply Meter and Subject to paragraph 5.3, if for each of 4 consecutive Days Transco does not provide to a User a Valid Meter Reading by 11:00 hours on the Day following each such Day then for each further day (after the 4th) for which Transco fails to provide a Valid Meter Reading by 11:00 hours on the following Day:-
(a) Transco will pay to the User (subject to paragraph 5.2.5) ?75; and
(b) such Meter shall not be counted as a Performance Relevant Supply meter for the purposes of paragraph 5.2.2.
5.2.4 Not Used.
5.2.5 In the case of a Shared Supply Meter Point the amount payable to a User pursuant to paragraph 5.2.3 will be the amount specified under that paragraph divided by the number of Sharing Registered Users.
5.2.6 For the purposes of Section V13, the rules in paragraphs 5.2.2 and 5.2.3 are Compensation Rules within Compensation Group A; and in relation thereto the ‘payment month’ is the second month following:
(a) for the purposes of paragraph 5.2.2, the relevant month;
(b) for the purposes of paragraph 5.2.3, that in which the relevant Day fell.
Defined Terms
Agreed Opening Meter Reading……………………………………………………………………………..3.8.7
Annual Read Meter…………………………………………………………………………………………….3.1.7(c)
Customer Read…………………………………………………………………………………………………..1.4.3(d)
Daily Meter Readings………………………………………………………………………………………….4.2.3(a)
Daily Read Equipment…………………………………………………………………………………………..4.1.1
Daily Read Error Day……………………………………………………………………………………………4.8.2
Daily Read Error Notice………………………………………………………………………………………..4.8.2
Daily Read Error………………………………………………………………………………………………..4.8.1(a)
Daily Read……………………………………………………………………………………………………………1.3.1
DM Check Read……………………………………………………………………………………………………4.7.1
DM Check Reconciliation Volume……………………………………………………………………….4.7.4(b)
Error Revised Quantity…………………………………………………………………………………..4.8.10(a)
Failed Daily Read Day…………………………………………………………………………………………..4.2.2
Failed Daily Read Reconciliation Volume…………………………………………………………….4.4.4(b)
following month…………………………………………………………………………………………………….3.6.2
IGE Meter Recommendation……………………………………………………………………………………1.6
meter by-pass………………………………………………………………………………………………………..2.4.2
Meter By-pass Policy……………………………………………………………………………………………..2.4.5
Meter Fix Reading…………………………………………………………………………………………………3.8.11
Meter Information Notification……………………………………………………………………………..3.2.4
Meter Information…………………………………………………………………………………………………3.2.1
Meter Installation Works………………………………………………………………………………………1.2.4
Meter Read Date……………………………………………………………………………………………..3.17.(e)(i)
Meter Read………………………………………………………………………………………………………..1.4.3(b)
Meter Reader………………………………………………………………………………………………………..1.4.5
Meter Reading Frequency…………………………………………………………………………………..3.1.7(a)
Meter Reading Period…………………………………………………………………………………..3.1.7(e)(ii)
Meter Reading……………………………………………………………………………………………………1.4.3(a)
metered consumption………………………………………………………………………………………….4.8.1(b)
Metered Quantity……………………………………………………………………………………………….1.4.4(b)
Metered Volume…………………………………………………………………………………………………1.4.4(a)
Monthly Read Meter…………………………………………………………………………………………..3.1.7(b)
Network Code Validation Rules……………………………………………………………………………..1.5.3
Non-Daily Read…………………………………………………………………………………………………….1.3.3
On-site Meter Read…………………………………………………………………………………………….1.4.3(c)
Opening Meter Reading…………………………………………………………………………………………3.8.2
Performance Relevant Supply Meter…………………………………………………………………..5.1.1(a)
previous metered quantity……………………………………………………………………………………..4.7.4
Reed Switch………………………………………………………………………………………………………….5.1.4
rejection notice……………………………………………………………………………………………………4.8.3(d)
SSP qualifying transfers………………………………………………………………………………………..3.8.10
Supply Meter Installation……………………………………………………………………………………1.2.2(a)
Supply Meter……………………………………………………………………………………………………..1.2.2(b)
Transco Volume Estimate…………………………………………………………………………….4.8.3(b)(ii)
User Volume Estimate………………………………………………………………………………………..4.8.2(b)
Valid Meter Read………………………………………………………………………………………………….3.1.4
Valid Meter Reading……………………………………………………………………………………………..3.1.4
Valid Meter Readings…………………………………………………………………………………………4.2.3(b)
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