Effectively Managing Natural Gas Costs



Effectively Managing Natural Gas Costs
Author: John Studebaker
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 325
ISBN: 0-88173-499-3
Publisher: Fairmont Press

Availability: Usually ships in 7 to 10 days. $118.00

Natural gas purchasing is generally deregulated on a federal or interstate basis. However, intrastate, there are many conditions that come into play which typically translate into higher costs for the commercial or industrial user. This book is intended to serve as comprehensive reference which can be used by the natural gas purchaser to sort out both the potential pitfalls that can negatively impact gas costs, and the opportunities for significant savings available to the informed user. Each step in the process of natural gas production and delivery to the marketplace is thoroughly examined, including production, inter/intrastate transportation, regulation, cost factors, local distribution, company structures, and deregulation processes. Also fully covered is the natural gas LDC billing process, and how understanding it can lead to significant savings.

Table of Contents:

* 1 – Natural Gas: An Overview
* 2 – Regulation of Natural Gas Local Distribution Company (LDC)
* 3 – Developing a Strategy for Reducing Natural Gas Costs
* 4 – Understanding the Natural Gas LDC Billing Process
* 5 – The Natural Gas Process
* 6 – The Deregulated Natural Gas Agent Contract Process
* 7 – Billing, Nomination, Balancing & Hedging Procedures
* 8 – Choosing a Natural Gas Consultant
* 9 – Analyzing Your Facility for Natural Gas Savings
* 10 – Synopsis of Natural Gas Cost Reduction Strategies
* Glossary, Index

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