Natural Gas in Nontechnical Language



Natural Gas in Nontechnical Language
Author: Institute of Gas Technology
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 200
ISBN: 0-87814-738-1
Publisher: PennWell
Year Published: 1999

Availability: Usually ships in 7 to 10 days. $72.00

This nontechnical guide to the natural gas industry will provide readers with a balanced overview of the natural gas process from wellhead to burnertip, from exploration to futures trading, while briefly addressing the latest issues of co-generation and other product use. Formatted to serve as a reference source as well as an industry primer, this book is beneficial to attorneys, gas traders, financial traders, exploration and production professionals, accountants, executives, and administrative professionals. Contents: Origins and history of natural gas; Exploration principles, tools, and techniques; Drilling, production and processing; Gas transmission pipeline network; Natural gas storage; Gas distribution systems; Uses for natural gas; Regulatory history of the gas industry; Gas marketing and sales; Future supply and demand for natural gas; Glossary, Index.

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